La ACP a pour objectif de renforcer la recherche atmosphérique en Suisse, de la développer et de la faire connaître. Elle est impliquée dans la politique de recherche et dans l'enseignement supérieur et la formation professionnelle. Elle échange des idées avec des organisations nationales et internationales.

Image : NASA

Discussion on emission estimation of short-lived climate forcers in progress

Several countries proposed that the IPCC should continue the discussion and consideration on issues relevant to short-lived climate forcers (SLCF). However, issues relating to development of robust inventory methodologies on estimation of SLCF emissions, which were emphasized in the proposal, will require consideration by the Task Force on National Greenhouse Gas Inventories (TFI) and may not be covered in the AR6. Therefore, an expert meeting on this topic was held in May 2018. The report of this meeting will be submitted to the IPCC Plenary Session in October 2018.



  • Aérosol
  • Climatologie, physique de l'atmosphère, aéronomie