ACP aims to strengthen and develop atmospheric research in Switzerland and make it better known. It is involved in research policymaking and in higher education and vocational training. It exchanges information with national and international organisations.

Image: NASA


ACP president Ulrich Krieger with award winner Dominique Rust

Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ACP Award 2024

At the Swiss Geoscience meeting in Basel in November 2024, the ACP Award for Atmospheric Research was presented to Dominique Rust for her PhD thesis “Verification of halogenated greenhouse gas

Image: ACP
Hay fever

Hay fever on the increase due to climate change

The hay fever situation in Switzerland is deteriorating because of climate change: the hay fever season is becoming longer, pollen concentrations are increasing, and highly allergenic invasive plants are becoming

Pollen allergy and the impact of a changing climate

Pollen allergy and the impact of a changing climate

While hay fever was almost unheard of in Switzerland 100 years ago, at present, around 20 percent of the Swiss population suffers from pollen allergy. Importantly, climate change is causing

Image: CC BY-NC-ND
Atmosphäre der Erde

Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ACP Award 2023

At the occasion of the Swiss Geoscience meeting in Mendrisio in November 2023, the ACP Award for Atmospheric Research was presented to Marina Friedel for her PhD thesis "The role

Image: NASA
Atmosphäre der Erde

Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics ACP Award 2022

At the occasion of the Swiss Geoscience meeting in Lausanne in November 2022, the ACP Award for Atmospheric Research was presented to Lea Beusch for her PhD thesis ‘MESMER –

Image: NASA
Hitzesommer, verdorrtes Maisfeld

2022 war ein normaler Sommer im 21. Jahrhundert

Hitze, Trockenheit, Waldbrandgefahr – Zustände wie 2022 werden mit dem Klimawandel bald zur Normalität. Der Sommer 2022 wird gar einer der kühleren des 21. Jahrhunderts sein, sollte es nicht gelingen,

Image: Gabriela Brändle, Agroscope